Motor Accident Therapy adelaide
If you have been injured in a motor vehicle accident, you may be experiencing ongoing pain, anxiety, sleep disruptions, depressive feelings, and financial hardships. Activ8 Mind psychologists in Adelaide, SA can assist with therapy approaches that build strategies to cope and manage the difficulties being faced.
Activ8 Mind psychologists are experienced in working with individuals recovering from motor vehicle accidents. Activ8 Mind is a recognised provider of psychological services in Adelaide through the South Australian Compulsory Third Party Insurance Scheme. Accepted claims will be funded by the relevant insurer. The insurer is invoiced directly and out-of-pocket costs are not passed onto you.
​​Therapy sessions are aimed at recognising and addressing presenting psychological symptoms resulting from the accident. Following the initial consultation where the psychologist will gather information and work with you to develop an Allied Health Management Plan that is required by the insurer. At subsequent sessions the evidenced-based therapy approach identified in the management plan will provide the structure of the therapy but will be tailored to your needs and goals that best suit your recovery journey.
Activ8 Mind psychologists offer an evidence-based approach tailored to your needs. This will be drawn from CBT, ACT, CPT, mindfulness, exposure therapy and motivational interviewing techniques. As appropriate, a collaborative service model including case conferencing with the wider treatment team may be recommended.
Psychological services are provided within the bounds of confidentiality. Insurers may be involved at case conference level; however, the discussions throughout the sessions remain between the psychologist and yourself. All reports produced throughout the therapy process will be provided to you, prior to dispatch to required and or requesting third parties, ie. insurer, GP, medical specialists, or lawyer.

Motor Accident Compulsory
Third Party FAQ
What happens if a mental health condition presents following a motor vehicle accident?
What happens if I suffer from a lifelong serious injury?
How can psychology assist my recovery from a physical injury?
How do I access psychology services if I have an accepted CTP claim?
What can I expect from psychology services?
My claim has been accepted, but my treating doctor asked me to pay the account. What should I do?
Who chooses the psychologist?
Who will my psychologist liaise with and work with to support my recovery?
Get in Touch
Activ8 Mind
65 Unley Road, Parkside 5063
177 Lockheed Lane,
Parafield, SA 5106
1300-575-329/ 08-8292-5300​