Manual handling training is a cost effective way to ensure your organisation is compliant with work health and safety laws. Participants will learn correct posture and handling techniques, increasing work capacity and reducing the likelihood of workplace injuries.
Provided by an experienced Occupational Therapist who specialises in the prevention and management of workplace injuries, Activ8 Work Solutions will tailor manual handling training to specific roles and tasks within your workplace.
Training is completed at the worksite, meaning less lost time for the organisation.
Activ8 Work Solutions provide an interactive 1 -1.5 hour training session followed by 30 minutes of question time, covering the following topics:
What is Manual Handling?
The correlation between workplace injury and manual handling.
Anatomy of the spine, and its involvement during movement.
Identifying manual handling risk factors in different jobs and environments.
Correct manual handling strategies for specific tasks.
Using digital technology, participants will demonstrate relevant manual handling tasks, and these are reviewed to provide the most comprehensive postural handling education for participants.
All participants will receive a certificate of completion.