Occupational Therapy
Our Occupational Therapists (OT’s) in Adelaide and South Australia work with individuals and their families to support them across a broad range of areas. OT’s can help to improve individuals with their physical abilities, cognition, sensory and motor skills. OT sessions are individualised based on the individuals goals, limitations and interests

occupational therapy seRvices IN adelaide

An OT will work with you to modify your daily tasks so that they are easier for you to perform. This can also include identification of equipment that can assist to perform daily tasks such as suggesting a toilet seat raiser or eating aids.
An OT’s can also assist you in how your approach and complete more complex activities such as household management or completing tasks within the community.
This is done by building an individual’s capacity by incorporating household tasks that develop and improve an individual’s gross and fine motor skills, sensory processing and cognition. This could be done by establishing better routines around activities of daily living (ADL) routines (including dressing, personal hygiene, eating, bathing, mobility) right to developing an individual’s Instrumental activities of daily living (including preparing meals, cleaning your house, manage money and paying bills, managing your medicines and shopping for groceries.
An OT can help you gain confidence and develop interpersonal and communication skills in social situations. This training will
“ enable a person to express positive and negative feelings to others, including coordination of verbal and non-verbal communication cues.2 These skills are taught through direct teaching, role-play, feedback, and rehearsal in individual and group counseling settings.” Who Can Benefit From Social Skills Training for Adults? (choosingtherapy.com).
An OT will also recommend the right technology for your needs and show you how to use it. In some cases, they will recommend modifications or new equipment at home, work or school so you can do more things for yourself.
OccupaTional therapy ASSESSMENTS
Functional Capacity
Assesses your day to day independence and living abilities in order to identify gaps or challenges you may face in meeting your goals. This assessment involves a face to face meeting in your home. You may be requested to demonstrate key activities so that the occupational therapist can observe your abilities. This assessment can be used to provide evidence of your support needs for NDIS reviews or to identify what therapeutic and/or assistive technology supports may be appropriate for your needs and goals.
Assistive Technology Assessment
Assesses the best technology to assist you with your independence and daily living skills. Constant advancements in technology means that activities you thought were impossible may now become possible. From simple devices to technology that assists with complex achievements, the assessment will identify what is possible and reasonable. Our occupational therapists have a comprehensive understanding of NDIS guidelines for low, mid and complex AT. The assessment will provide quotes and purchasing options and assist with procuring the items once approved.
Home Modifications
Assesses your home environment and determines if home modifications are required in order to meet your support needs and goals. The assessment is undertaken in the home and will follow the NDIS guidelines for home modifications and complex home modifications. The report will provide quotations and necessary details for any third parties to supply or install the items or fixtures recommended.Assesses your home environment and determines if home modifications are required in order to meet your support needs and goals. The assessment is undertaken in the home and will follow the NDIS guidelines for home modifications and complex home modifications. The report will provide quotations and necessary details for any third parties to supply or install the items or fixtures recommended.
Occupational Therapy FAQ
How do I know what kind of assessment I need?
What can I expect from Occupational Therapy Assessment services?
What is the difference between an functional capacity assessment by an Occupational Therapist and a Psychologist?
Can I access telehealth to complete an assessment?
How long will each appointment be?
How often will we meet?
What is the cancellation policy?
How do I make a booking?